We're mixing things up this month with a different venue and a different format. We're doing a joint meetup with Write the Docs LA, the local Write the Docs chapter of technical documentarians.

We'll spend some time learning about each other's groups. Topics will include static site generators and an update on Sean Marquez's exploration of SpaceMacs for text editing and project management. (This was presented at SGVLUG back in July.)

Please see the WTD LA meetup link for more details. https://www.meetup.com/Write-the-Docs-LA/events/265804790/

Sean's presentation will appeal directly to: - software developers who are opinionated about text editors - developers & writers who are curious about text rendering to diagrams, i.e., PlantUML: https://gist.github.com/capsulecorplab/99f6518ab42fd55f95e69186c784ccb7#orgmode-meets-gtd

Sean's presentation will also provide insight to: - people who have a thousand things on their TODO lists - anyone who is interested in Getting Things Done: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done

Write the Docs LA

Meetup Event Page